Council Information

Council Information

The parish council of Hart consists of seven members, elected every 4 years. The next election will be held in May 2026.

When a vacany occurs between elections, the elected members may agree to co-opt a new councillor who will stand until the next election.

Whether to be elected or co-opted, vacancies for parish councillors are advertised on this website, on the two parish notice boards (outside the old post office on Front Street, and at the end of Voltigeur Drive) and by the Borough Council. It is recommended that anyone interested in becoming a parish councillor contacts the Clerk in the first instance.

Hart Parish Council meets monthly, normally on the second Monday of the month, with the exception of August, when there is no meeting.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting is posted, at least four days in advance, on the two parish noticeboards and on this website.

Ward Councillors are always invited to attend Parish Council meetings, both to hear about concerns/issues affecting residents and also to provide feedback from the Borough Council. We have three Ward Councillors who share the workload between them. Councilors Tom Cassidy and Rob Darby focus their attention on Hart and Clavering, whilst Councillor John Leedham focuses on Bishop Cuthbert. 

The police are also invited, with the invitation extended to our PCSO, currently Geoff Hestor as well as to the local Inspector, Zoe Kelsey.